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Dipti Fatania


Dipti works in the Business Development and Marketing Team at IBB Solicitors. She deals with a variety of things, including, advertising, PR, articles, directories and events.


Outside of work, she enjoys eating, travelling and writing.



Meet the Team

Patrick Ball

Birth place: Germany
University: Manchester, UK & Melbourne, Australia
Previous jobs: Financial Analyst at Kellogg's, Manager in different restaurants, Sales representative in John Lewis for soundbars
Fun fact: I love anything adrenaline related, especially fast cars & bikes, skiing, bungee jumping etc
Interesting fact: Love wines and food from France (especially the Burgundy region)
Favourite place to be: On a road trip, pretty much anywhere with hot weather and beautiful scenery


Jebson John


Joined the core assurance team at PwC Uxbridge in September 2014 as an associate. Jebson holds a bachelor degree in accounting and finance and a masters degree in business management. He  is a keen social dreamer- it's few levels/years behind, before being called a social thinker (according to him) - and works along with organisations such as SEO, EN start ups, and the likes involved in mentoring graduates and budding entrepreneurs. He enjoys travelling,  trying new cuisines and photography. When all of this seems to fade out a bit he resorts to writing.


Danny Patel


Danny is a Solicitor in the Commercial Litigation Department at IBB Solicitors.  He trained at a firm in the City before moving to IBB in March 2016.  He acts on behalf of a wide variety of organisations including national and multi-national companies, SMEs and individuals.  Outside of the office, he likes travelling (when time permits!), running, swimming and playing football.


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